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Immaculate Conception Catholic Regional School values academic excellence.  Our challenging academic program helps to guide learners through dynamic experiences that prepare each student for a lifetime of learning.  Our school community works in educational learning communities to offer developmentally appropriate settings for education.   Our communities are:  The Primary Educational Learning Community (Pre-K through 2),  The Junior Educational Learning Community (Grades 3-5), and The Middle School Learning Community (Grades 6-8).  Each community is guided by a lead teacher who works with a team of educational professionals.  Our dedicate faculty and staff work together to meet the needs of many diverse learners.  We are a community of learners who join together to improve the craft of teaching and inspire authentic learning.  Our track record of academic success showcases our long tradition of providing an enriching curriculum that prepares learners for success in high school and beyond.  


We know there is no more important time in the development of young learners than the elementary and middle school years. Learners are discovering their world and making deep connections to concepts and curriculum.  We are passionate about providing a learning community that helps to foster the positive actions, attitudes and skills that lead to deep and authentic understanding.  We also recognize that all students learn differently.  Our Student Life Team works with the professional educational staff to identify the accommodations and strategies that help learners access the curriculum.   We offer a broad range of learning resources to aid learners who access the curriculum differently.  


Our mission reminds us that we are a "community of learners."  The 21st century demands that educational institutions respond to the diverse learning needs of students who need to be prepared for a global marketplace that is continually being shaped by emerging technological advances.  There has never been a more exciting time to explore cultures and creative endeavors that impact our global community. Our classrooms are equiped with the technological tools for dynamic 21st century learning. 


We have high academic standards that foster excellence.  Our educational philosophy is grounded in our spiritual identity and Catholic tradition.  All learning is an opportunity to challenge the faith life and spiritual formation of every student.  We believe that our faith enhances our teaching and learning.  Guided by the Holy Spirit and in communion with the Roman Catholic Church, Immaculate Conception Catholic Regional School is proud to provide excellence in education in a faith filled community of passionate teachers, parents and students.  

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