Behavioral Intervention
It is anticipated that students at various points in their development may exhibit conduct unbecoming of a healthy and maturing young person. In many cases, the poor or uninformed choices that a student may make can be corrected by the child with the prompting, firm guidance, management techniques, supportive aids and/or measures of accountability that allow the child to determine more appropriate attitudes, actions and forms of behavior. Our entire educational team will work to provide clear and consistent expectations and hold all members accountable to living up to our Christian calling. Attempts to resolve behavioral concerns will be handled with utmost care and confidentiality. Steps will be followed to insure that students are given every opportunity to be heard and are treated fairly. Warnings, discussions and plans for improvement, when appropriate, will be formulated with the student. However, repeated disregard for good behavior or a single violation deemed very serious will be responded to with serious consequences including suspension and/or expulsion from school.
Most importantly, Behavioral Intervention on our campus also seeks to value and reward students whose behavior exhibits the qualities of a positive and maturing young person. We seek to build up our students by acknowledging the positive and life affirming choices that help to make all feel welcome and loved.
The corner stone of our behavioral intervention program is our Code of Community. Our Code outlines our values and those attitudes, actions or behaviors we will not tolerate. Students are expected to demonstrate actions, attitudes and behaviors consistent with our "Christian values" of Respect, Responsibility, Self-Control and Cooperation.
To ensure that all students have an opportunity to learn, Teachers intervene with students who demonstrate behaviors that are not consistent with our Christian values or code of community. The Principal serves as the lead adminstrator in assessing behavioral progress of our students.