Field Trip Forms
We are looking forward to many exciting field trips throughout the summer! However, only those participants who have returned the school-issued permission slip will be able to attend.
Forms are emailed out to parents (and also posted below) on the Wednesday prior to each program week using the email address provided to us at registration. For your convenience, we will post the forms here on our website when they are issued via email and will also have hard-copies on hand during the first day of each camp session/week if you are unable to print it out from home or happen to misplace it.
​We have undertaken many camp trips in the past both during the summer and the academic year; therefore, we are no stranger to the safety precautions that are needed when traveling to and enjoying public places with our kids.
All children will be under the close supervision of Immaculate Conception professional staff and designated parent chaperones throughout the experience. Additionally, all campers will be advised of important expectations and requirements that ensure their safety throughout the day.
Parent Chaperone Policy: The Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence and the State of Rhode Island require all adults who work closely with children to undergo a thorough background check; additionally, all chaperones must sucessfully complete the diocesan-required "Safe Environment" training course on a yearly basis. The stipulations for chaperones and volunteers can be found here.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Mark McPhillips, Director of Summer E.X.P.L.O.R.E., through phone at (401) 942-7245 or via email at
Downloadable Forms
No forms have been posted for retrieval as of yet.
Please check back in the week prior to your child's respective program(s)