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Parent Teacher Organization

The PTO Executive Board is a group of elected volunteers who work with the Principal to strengthen our mission and advance our commitment to families.  The Executive Board is assisted by the Leadership Council.  This council is comprised of parent members who volunteer and serve the school as chairpersons for specific events.  We encourage every parent to participate in our thriving organization and to reach out to a member of the Executive Board or Leadership Council if you have a question, comment or concern.



Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

The Parent Teacher Organization is comprised of every parent and teacher at our school.  We work together to support and enhance our schools' mission and identity while building community as a family joined together by "Saints" spirit.   We are excited to share many programs and opportunities that help to foster a truly unique environment for our children and dedicated staff.  We work to assist the school by leading efforts to create a strong sense of community, coordinating events and programs that enrich student lives while extending the work of our wonderful educational staff.   At Immaculate Conception Catholic Regional School, we have many dedicated families who contribute time, treasure and talent to support ALL our children.  We encourage every parent to join us at a monthly meeting, fundraiser event or during our after school programs.  Together, we can all share in creating a wonderful climate for student growth and learning.  If you would like to get involved or have any questions about our organization, please contact us at



Parent Teacher Organization

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