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The Immaculate Conception Catholic Regional Family Handbook presents our vision and values as an educational community rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The details, policies and procedures that are presented in this handbook reflect our common partnership in forming and transforming the whole child –heart, mind, body and spirit.  Our vision is rooted in our mission.  In a very special way this handbook helps to create a common understanding of how we can work together, through our mission, to create a lasting and significant impact on the educational, social and emotional development of the young people in our care. 


Please take the time to read and reflect upon the details of this handbook.  Our success as educators, parents and administrators is found when we share a collaborative understanding on how we can best impact learners for the 21st century.

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The handbook is a “living document.”  From time to time, we will update, expand, eliminate or redefine contents of this book because learner’s needs, our own school environment and the field of education are continually changing, advancing, and expanding. 


This handbook forms the basis for our mutual partnership in education.  Each school is unique in its character, culture and charism.  Immaculate Conception Catholic Regional School is very proud to join together parents, educational professionals and students who value character development through faith formation.  We are proud to share a common vision for academic excellence that challenges young people to become independent and creative thinkers who can work with others to achieve common goals and advance the Kingdom of God.  We are committed to fostering a very unique and safe environment that seeks to know and love each child as a special person created in the goodness and image of the Creator.

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