Pre-Kindergarten Program
The Pre-K is a wonderful school learning program for four year old friends at Immaculate Conception Catholic Regional School. It is our mission to nurture each child’s mind, heart, body and spirit through the love of Jesus Christ. The children begin their educational journey at our school knowing that they are loved and cared for and that Jesus is always in their heart. Our qualified teaching staff works tirelessly to foster an exceptional learning community that is joy-filled, fun and exciting.
Our Pre-K is a full day (8:15 AM -2:30 PM) and five day educational learning community where children grow as readers, writers, mathematicians, scientists and faith-filled young friends. The curriculum challenges young learners in age and developmentally appropriate ways to engage in meaningful learning opportunities.
In addition to the Pre-K program's core curriculum students engage in our Cultural Arts and Science Education experiences in Spanish, Physical Education, Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Library Literacy. Students also interact with Learning Resource support staff who help students and parents navigate learning challenges and capabilities.The Extended Care Program from 2:30 - 5:30 PM is available for those parents of young friends who might need additional oversight and care for their child(ren).
The philosophy of our program is that children learn best when they are engaged in active play in an enriched learning environment. Learning opportunities include small and whole group activities, individual and peer play times, songs, games, stories and centers. Learning centers are designed with the children’s interests in mind and include hands-on manipulatives that are developmentally appropriate for our Pre-K friends. Typically, centers are based on our most current thematic unit. Examples of learning centers include sensory (water, sand, rice), dramatic play, discovery, blocks and creative construction, library, listening, visual art, Science, Mathematics and writing. During center time, the children are encouraged to move from center to center to foster the senses of self and independence. Some centers are teacher-led, while others offer an independent or group learning activity. In the Pre-K, children are assessed through observation and work samples. These assessments help provide on-going and authentic representations of student learning progress at this important age. A “Summary of Developmental Progress” is presented to each family in January and June.
Contact for Program Inquires:
Mr. Michael Miele